car Report Audi, Mercedes-Benz to double U.S. diesel models

Newfound acceptance of diesel-fueled vehicles in the U.S. is slowly convincing some automakers to crank up the number of oil-burning models headed here. Audi, along with parent company Volkswagen, has made it clear that more U.S.-bound diesel models are in the works. Recently, even Mercedes-Benz admitted that U.S. demand for diesel is growing, and the German automaker will respond by offering eight oil-burning models by 2014, one of is the S-Class diesel flagship that debuted at the Detroit Auto Show.
Automotive News points to a 2010 study conducted by the trade group Diesel Technology Forum that suggests that our growing fondness for diesel vehicles is being driven by:However, we tend to think that the words of Mercedes-Benz product management vice president, Philipp Schiemer, sum up the U.S.' diesel situation exceedingly well:


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