Cadillac. The very name conjures images of wealth and luxury, and it has done so since its first car rolled out the door in 1902.
Formed from the remains of the Ford Motor Company after Henry Ford and his partners left, Cadillac quickly became known for precision engineering and quality of production. It is said that their inaugural automobile was essentially identical to Ford's 1903 Model A, but when it was shown in New York the quality impressed people so much that 2000 firm orders were taken.
The tradition of excellence and engineering innovation continued as Cadillac grew up. In 1908, they pioneered the manufacturing of truly interchangeable parts. In 1910, they became the first car maker to release cars with a standard fully-enclosed cab. In 1912 strategic engine starting and lighting was added to their list of automotive achievements.
More recently, Cadillac's additions to auto making include the introduction of wishbone front suspension (1934), and tailfins (1948). Its fiber-optic indication system which alerted the driver of a failed light bulb, has been offered since the late 1960s.
Today Cadillac pursues new designs, embracing an "art and science" philosophy, and eschewing the release of retro-designs (like Ford's Thunderbird and VW's New Beetle) despite their long history in the industry. While they are still known for making LARGE cars, they did, in fact, attempt to sell smaller coupes and sedans, but such sales have been sluggish. Instead, it is their luxury SUV the Escalade, which caught the attention of rapper Jay-Z, among others, which is leading Cadillac into the 21st century, and introducing the brand to the younger generation.


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